Friday, January 21, 2011


as i see the lives of everyone i know unfolding and taking off faster than Haiti's previous president to exile, i silently lament the loss of my own plans and dreams.

and God whispers,"but I know the plans I have for you."

those are plans to prosper me and give me hope and a future. my dear Haitian friend at work, Lucita explained to me (in Creole, btw) that God was just "rearranging" my life for me. that He knows and sees all, even when my vision is blurred by the bling flying by my left and my right. i liked her explanation (or maybe my misguided interpretation) of the Lord "rearranging" somethings in my life so His plans and purposes pan out. i imagine that in my life, its like a few rows of tetris, in which i've gotten a few too many of the S and L shaped cubes, and the Lord is able to reverse the extra spaces in each line, so that he can properly pack as much of His will into my life as physically possible. we just have to trust that if God is the creator and sustainer and ordainer of all things, that He is also, indeed the great Tetris champ. He will trump me every time.

learning to trust. again and again. takes time, and pain, and trust. odd that you must trust in order to learn how.

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