i stand
at the waters edge.
the tiny waves creep up the shore,
as they curl over my toes.
take a step towards Me,
they call out
as they roll back out towards the sea.
i step
both feet into the ocean.
my footprints
like temporary memories on the damp sand.
i feel the drag of the sand beneath my toes
as i sink,
the water cool around my ankles.
i close
my eyes beneath the sunset,
still warm against my skin.
breathe deep
the salty air fills my lungs
with comfort
and scents of home.
i feel
the tide
pulling me,
alluring me,
into the sea.
You are safe with Me,
He calls again.
the tide,
once terrifying,
is tug-tug-tugging
my feet from beneath me,
my heart more towards Him.
i give
into His beacon,
give up my resistance,
and trust
that the seas are where He calls me home to.
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