Sunday, July 29, 2012


Haiti isn't exactly conducive to goosebumps, so when you get them you need to take note. You're either teetering between a stomach parasite or malaria, sitting in front of a fan in sweat-soaked clothing after the generator kicks on, or the Holy Spirit is doing a new work in your heart. 

Thank you dear Jesus for the ways your Spirit reminds me that your mercies are new every morning.  For not leaving me the dirty, broken, prideful mess that I am. But loving me enough to ignite new passion and vision and hope for this country, and specifically for your children.

The other morning, a group of volunteers and kiddos took a hike across the mountain to a waterfall.  Everything in my heart was full of (what I at least thought was) righteous-jealousy. Having arrived in Jacmel after night fall, I was eager to see the landscape and become acquainted  with another new city on my voyage across the country.  I wasn't exactly pleased that I needed to stay behind to sort through some of the supplies and discuss some details about the lessons and activities I would be leading throughout the week.  I stayed behind without complaining, but my heart was full of resentmentand disappointment. 

Yesterday and last night, the Lord continued to work through my hardness of heart with every prayer of repentance I prayed and every morsel of the ugly honesty I let escape from my heart and be brought into the light as I examined all my dirtyness. 

And praise God! Seriously, He is so good.  He doesnt leave His children to sleep in their own filth! he takes us out of our soiled mess and puts us into new garments of (His!) righteousness!

Cora and I sat down after lunch to talk logistics of this weeks activities and to sort through by visually mapping out each evenings perimeters and limitations.  As I organized a schedule, Will, one of the founders of H&F, decided to take a group of kids and volunteers to the cove to go swimming.  Although I would've been interested if I was available, it didn't ven remotely bother me to miss out.  I can't tell you how HUGE that is, as I've done little ore than notice the depths of my selfish nature as of lately.

As our plans progressed and the skeleton began to take a little more shape, our conversation evolved to responsibility and accountability within the country, and specifically to the educational needs within the community. Before I knew it, a fire was lit under my heart regarding literacy for empowerment, the very topic of my Master's thesis!

I retreated quickly to plan for tonight's lesson, and once I finally found myself in isolation, humbly praised Him for this moment. This time to write, this time to pray, this time in seclusion. The opportunity to be used for this lesson, this opportunity to dive into the word and have a reason to draw away and be focused on Him! For the excitement He restored to me over Haiti and education! For the fact He allowed me joy and the ability to actually be content in doing the thing I'm doing, and not the very thing I hate!  

God you are so good to me! You are so good to your children. Thank you Jesus. 

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