Monday, September 6, 2010

my name is rhiannon, and i'm a hypochondriac.

i'm also afraid to go to sleep, because my throat feels like it's closing off. and now theres this sharp pain in my chest... where my heart is... and according to webmd, my intense headache is a brain aneurism waiting to happen.

i am fully convinced that there is something massively wrong with my body. i feel like i haven't felt totally well since i started having health issues in college 5 years ago. because of that, i've become fully convinced that there is something wrong. like that swollen lymph node at the base of my skull.

why are we driven by fear (the noun), to fear (the verb)? why are we so easily persuaded that just because we can't see anything wrong on the outside, that things are terribly catastrophic underneath the surface? where has our hope, our faith, gone? we are so quick to be rattled by fear, yet it takes so long (and often, so many attempts) to stand secure in the truth and faithful provision of our Father. why is that? why, when we've seen his provision and faithfulness time and time again, evident in our own lives and the lives of others, are we so quick to forget and become fearful?

"'til He returns, or calls me home, here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand."

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